Injection resins / Injection gels
This product range offers our customers various applications for the sealing of joints and cracks. Also for the repair of buildings with regard to waterproofing, for example through curtain wall injection and structural stabilization. Our injection systems are developed on the basis of the latest product knowledge and know-how.
PT SPUR Injection Foam 100
Product information
PT SPUR-Injection-Foam 100 is a two component (resin + catalyst), phthalate-free, water stopping and fast foaming resin, which is used as a water stopper against flowing water. The component B serves as a catalyst and it adjust the reaction time. Lower dosage leads to a prolongation of the reaction time. In contact with water, PT SPUR-Injection-Foam 100 reacts very fast to a foam with closed cellular pores and shape-retaining hard flexible PU-foam.
Delivery form
- 1.1 kg metal can (A-Comp. 1 kg metal can + B-Comp. 0.1 kg (catalyst) metal can), Article-No. 01100001
- 5.5 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 0.5 kg (catalyst) metal can), Article-No. 01100005
- 11 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 10 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 1 kg (catalyst) metal can), Article-No. 01100011
- 220 kg metal drum (A-Comp. 200 kg metal drum + B-Comp. 20 kg (catalyst) metal canister), Article-No. 01100220
Technical data sheets

PT PUR Injection Resin 200
Product information
PT PUR-Injection-Resin 200 is a two component (component A+B), phthalate-free, very low viscous and elastic polyurethane injection resin. Due to the very low viscosity, it leads to a very deep penetration into hairline cracks and fine structures. The resin has a limited volume expansion in contact with water / humidity.
Delivery form
- 1 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can + B-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can), Article-No. 01200001
- 5 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01200005
- 10 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 5 kg Metal canister + B-Comp. 5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01200010
- 400 kg metal drum (A-Comp. 200 kg metal drum + B-Comp. 200 kg metal drum), Article-No. 01200400
Technical data sheets

PT PUR Injection Resin 250
Product information
PT PUR Injection Resin 250 is a two component (component A+B), phthalate-free, low viscous and elastic polyurethane injection resin. Due to the very low viscosity, it leads to a very deep penetration into hairline cracks and fine structures. The resin has a limited volume expansion in contact with water / humidity.

Delivery form
- 7.5 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01250075
- 15 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 10 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01250015
Technical data sheets
- PT_PUR_Injection_Resin_250.pdf

PT PUR Injection Resin 300
Product information
PT PUR-Injection-Resin 300 is a two component (component A+B), phthalate-free, very low viscous and hard (structural) polyurethane injection resin. Due to the very low viscosity, it leads to a very deep penetration into hairline cracks and fine structures. The resin has a limited volume expansion in contact with water / humidity.
Delivery form
- 1 kg metal can (A-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can + B-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can), Article-No. 01300001
- 5 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01300005
- 10 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01300010
- 400 kg metal drum (A-Comp. 200 kg Metal drum + B-Comp. 200 kg metal drum), Article-No. 01300400
Technical data sheets

PT PUR Injection Resin 400
Product information
PT PUR-Injection-Resin 400 is a two component (component A+B), phthalate-free, low viscous and hard (structural) polyurethane injection resin. Due to the low viscosity, it has a very deep penetration into fine structures of the building and leads to a solidification of the injected area (masonry or concrete). The resin has a limited volume expansion in contact with water / humidity.
Delivery form
- 25 kg metal buckets (A-Comp. 12.5 kg metal bucket + B-Comp. 12.5 kg metal bucket), Article-No. 01400025
- 400 kg metal drum (A-Comp. 200 kg metal drum + B-Comp. 200 kg metal drum), Article-No. 01400400
Technical data sheets

PT PUR Combi Injection Resin DUO 600
Product information
PT PUR-Combi-Injection-Resin-DUO 600 is a two component (component A+B), hydrophobic, phthalate-free, low viscous and elastic DUO injection resin. It consist on a 2-phase-reaction property. In contact with water it reacts to a closed cell elastic foam within seconds. If there is no water, PT PUR Combi Injection Resin DUO 600 reacts to a solid resin body. This new developed injection resin combines two injection resin systems in one product (foam and solid resin).
Delivery form
- 1 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can + B-Comp. 0.5 kg metal can), Article-No. 01600001
- 5 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 2.5 kg Metal canister + B-Comp. 2.5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01600005
- 10 kg metal canister (A-Comp. 5 kg metal canister + B-Comp. 5 kg metal canister), Article-No. 01600010
- 400 kg Metal drum (A-Comp. 200 kg metal drum + B-Comp. 200 kg metal drum), Article-No. 01600400
Technical data sheets

PT PUR Injection Gel
Product information
PT PUR Injection-Gel is high concentrated, hydrophilic, water miscrible PUR injection gel. By adding of water (mixing with drinking water), it reacts to a highly elastic gel. Depending of adding water quantity it reacts to a highly flexible gel or flexible foam. After the material is completely cured, it is watertight against pressurized water. PT PUR Injection Gel does not contain any free isocyanates. It is solvent-free and is not corrosive.
Delivery form
- 10 kg metal canister Article-No. 01500010
- 210 kg metal drum Article-No. 01500210
Technical data sheets

PT AC Injection Gel
Product information
PT AC-Injection-Gel consists of three components, PT AC Injection Gel Base (comp. A1), PT AC Injection Gel Accelerator (comp. A2) and PT AC Injection Gel Granulate (comp. B1). PT AC Injection Gel has a similar consistency as water and, like water, it penetrates into all cavities. PT AC Injection Gel hardens into a gelatinous waterproofing membrane. The cured PT AC Injection Gel is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Delivery form
- 28 kg plastic canister PT AC Injection Gel Base (comp. A1) Article-No. 01700028
- 1.25 kg plastic can PT AC Injection Gel Accelarator (comp. A2) Article-No. 01700001
- 1 kg plastic can PT AC Injection Gel Granulate (comp. B1) Article-No. 01700002
Technical data sheets

PT AC Injection Gel Thix
Product information
PT AC Injection Gel Thix is especially developed for injection in water change zones (dry/wet) and has reduced shrinkage properties if it comes in contact with air. It has a higher chemical resistance and is more thixotropic. PT AC Injection Gel Thix consists of four components, PT AC Injection Gel Base (comp. A1), PT AC Injection Gel Accelerator (comp. A2), PT AC Injection Gel Granulate (comp. B1) and PT AC Injection Gel Thix Admixture (comp. B3). PT AC Injection Gel Thix has a similar consistency as water and, like water, it penetrates into all cavities.
Delivery form
- 28 kg plastic canister PT AC Injection Gel Base (comp. A1) Article-No. 01700028
- 1.25 kg plastic can PT AC Injection Gel Accelator (comp. A2) Article-No. 01700001
- 1 kg plastic can PT AC Injection Gel Granulate (comp. B1) Article-No. 01700002
- 25 kg plastic canister PT AC Injection Gel Thix Admixture (comp. B3) Article-No. 01800025
Technical data sheets