Sealing mortars
This product range provides our customers with different types of sealing mortars. The product range of sealing mortar systems are watertight against pressurized water, fast-setting to high compressive strength. Some special mortars can be used against flowing / running pressurized water.
PT Water Stop Mortar
Product information
PT Water Stop Mortar is a cement based, very fast setting premixed mortar with swellable properties. Due to special additives, PT Water Stop Mortar is absolutely watertight against pressurised water. The mortar does not attack reinforcement steel.

Delivery form
- 12 kg plastic bucket, Article-No. 06100012
Technical data sheets

PT Water Stop Powder
Product information
PT Water Stop Powder reacts immediately after water contact and sets within seconds. The product is cement based and catalytic accelerated. Special admixtures effect a high reactive cuing and fast reaction. PT Water Stop Powder is watertight and durable active.

Delivery form
- 15 kg plastic bucket Article-No. 06200015
Technical data sheets

PT Surface Sealing Mortar
Product information
PT Surface Sealing Mortar is a cement based, shrinkage compensated, waterproofed dry mortar. The watertight mortar increases the water tighness against pressurised water over a longer time. It is an active plaster.